Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My New Favorite

So I found this new site that I have been bouncing around for a couple months now and I have come to really like it. The site combines my frothy love for a good beer with the need to spend as little on said beer as necessary. As we all know the only way to accomplish this is to hit up a place during happy hour.

So my new favorite site is gotime.com. They provide a database of every happy hour in Seattle and when I say "every" happy hour, I mean these folks have scoped out every joint in Seattle for happy hours. If you had a kegger in your back yard and called it a happy hour, they would know about it.

Here's why I like the site so much. No matter the time of day, there is a happy hour going on and gotime will tell you where it is, even at 7AM. I kid not.

Anyway, at the fear of sounding like a fan boy, just go and check it out yourself. They also have an iPhone app (which I wish I could login from so I can access my favorites, hint, hint) and they also have other stuff like music and events and such. I'm a beer guy so I only really use it for that. Check it out you too may find a use for it.

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